Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas is closing in

My Floral Arranging class is drawing to a close. This centerpiece was an idea I got by going to Michaels to see what was on sale. I suspect an arrangement would cost around $50 or maybe more. Instead, because my class provided the greenery, oasis (that wet green thing that holds the flowers) and the flowers, it only cost me $2.40. Of course the class cost was $45, but I have made 5 arrangements so far and one to go. I had fun, met some nice ladies and got to smell fresh flowers in my house every week. I made this one for Bridgett to put on her table for Christmas. It is a surprise, so shhhhhh, don't tell! The other one I made for me is much smaller to fit on my table.

I bought the bucket and candy canes at the Dollar Tree and the flowers etc. were provided by the class. Voila' !! Next week I hope to make a wreath to hang on my door. Look out, Michaels,
here I come!