This is the last blog of 2011. Sounds scary, doesn't it? But, I am looking forward to the new year and lots of new projects to begin. But, I can't forget the Monkeys I did as my last endeavor for this year. These little guys, and gal, were dressed to mimic my grands Halloween costumes. We have, LtoR, Sonic the Hedge-monkey, The Assassin-monkey, Tinker-monkey, and Alvin-monkey. The kids loved them and I do, too!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Merry Monkeys!
This is the last blog of 2011. Sounds scary, doesn't it? But, I am looking forward to the new year and lots of new projects to begin. But, I can't forget the Monkeys I did as my last endeavor for this year. These little guys, and gal, were dressed to mimic my grands Halloween costumes. We have, LtoR, Sonic the Hedge-monkey, The Assassin-monkey, Tinker-monkey, and Alvin-monkey. The kids loved them and I do, too!
Monday, November 21, 2011
My new passion!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Fall is in the air

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Lavender and sewing
I have been harvesting my lavender and making some scent sticks to put in the bathrooms. It's heavenly working with these tiny blooms. I get the best feeling from growing and cutting the stems.
My other project right now is a Mystery Quilt. I have chosen to go with teal, aqua, white and some batik with waves of the same shades of blue greens together. (not pictured) I am enjoying my class on Wed. taught by Bobbie Porter. She's a genius with material and ideas with fabrics. I am also finishing three other quilts I have posted before in their beginning stages. I have hired a person to "quilt" them on her long arm machine. I hope to have them finished and posted here soon.
My other project right now is a Mystery Quilt. I have chosen to go with teal, aqua, white and some batik with waves of the same shades of blue greens together. (not pictured) I am enjoying my class on Wed. taught by Bobbie Porter. She's a genius with material and ideas with fabrics. I am also finishing three other quilts I have posted before in their beginning stages. I have hired a person to "quilt" them on her long arm machine. I hope to have them finished and posted here soon.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Spring planting
I don't usually get the bug to plant anything anymore, but this year I changed that. So far I have my herb garden, lettuce, and now I have started some radishes, tomatoes, and California poppies inside and they are thriving! It is quite gratifying to actually see something grow in soil from a seed. It reminds me that there is a higher power than me pushing those little buds out into the world in my little home. Amazing! I haven't bought any lettuce in a month. I just go out to my garden and pick some. I hope my tomatoes and radishes will give me that thrill as well. For a novice like me, I am renewed in the act of something so simple giving me such pleasure!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wacky Women
On Feb 3rd, I hosted the monthly W.W.'s at my house, and they christened my new sunroom! Lots of fun, eating, sharing art, (our Altoid boxes turned into mini dioramas.) Each member was to bring an a box for the person they received a Christmas gift from at our annual potluck/celebration of the season.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Valentines Day cards
My teacher, Bobbie Porter, Beginners Quilting class, gave me this idea. Strips of fabric attached to some interfacing with zigzag stitch, glued to a blank card, then some netting in the shape of a heart. I used some yarn to follow the outline and more zigzag to attach it. Inside the heart is confetti and more pieces of fabric. It was fun to do, and I had all the materials on hand.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Garden delight!

Working with dirt is quite creative. This media is often overlooked! Take the pretty plant on the left. It is catnip. By itself, it is beautiful, but surrounded by nourishing water, it becomes a map of France, with the plant smack dab in the middle where Orleans, Bourges, and the Loire River intersect. Bet you didn't see that! All done with a little bit of water (and bon chance!) The lettuce on the right produced part of our dinner last night. Yum yum! Now that's getting those creative juices flowing! Bon Appetite!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My crazy creativity!
Not everyone creates the same. I am a work in progress, therefore, I dabble in many things. Maybe I'm trying to find myself in the process. I'm not sure, but I'm having fun! Some days I want to sew, some I want to write, even I don't know what I will do on any given day until my muse whispers in my ear. Of late, I have been in survival mode, recuperation from surgery on my shoulder. I take that as a hint to slow down, think of what just a walk will do for my psyche. I am learning to find time to do...nothing. Meanwhile, if the urge to create comes to me, I act on it. I am so lucky to be able to wait, look, listen, then create, or not.
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